Saturday, April 25, 2009

Working from home

Many people are considering the possibility of working from home as an alternative to working in the standard good old 9-5 corporate world. I am doing it. I have found it to have many positives, but there are a few drawbacks I have found over time.

  • You can generally (depending on the specifics of the job you are working on) set your own hours. If you aren't a morning person, you can work in the afternoon. If you want your Friday's off, you can do that. If you always have to do yoga from 9-11 M-W-F, that can be arranged.
  • You have more control over the income you make.
  • You can generally (depending on the specifics of the job you are working on) work more than one job which allows for variety and lowers the monotony and makes daily work life more interesting.
  • You can deal with emergencies, little schedule conflicts, and issues more easily (depending on who you are working for)
  • You can feel more comfortable (in your own setting, with your own surroundings, furniture, television, kitchen, etc.)
  • Save money on gas (no commute).
  • Save money on other expenditures (clothes, insurance, etc.)
  • You typically don't get the insurances that you would normally have access to.
  • You have to be self sufficient/strong willpower/scheduling/organization to get work done (not get distracted by television, cleaning house, incoming phone calls, shopping, etc.)
  • You don't make as much per hour/job.
  • You don't get the social interaction.
  • You don't have the same opportunities for advancement.
Most of these con's are easily set off by a pro, but you have to really think through it enough to examine whether working from home is truly right for you.

If it is, there are several opportunities available.

For me, working from home is the perfect solution to my situation. I get to set my own hours, I get to do anything I need/want to do, and I get to set my own pay. I personally don't have many expenses currently, and I am happy to make a little to start building my nest egg to contribute to my planned move to the UK.

Also, these jobs will transfer to the UK. I can work from anywhere. If I go on a trip and get in a bind and need to get some money for an emergency, I can do some work, get paid, and voila, no more emergency. I am thrilled with my arrangement!

And it allows me time to be an artist, which is what I am really focused on!

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