My foster son is a student at a school whose mascot is a Jaguar. Our family has had a rough go recently and his teacher and counselor have been wonderfully helpful to him and by extension myself. Therefore as a Christmas gift, I would like to give them something handmade (everything is handmade from us this year) and special. I have chosen to do a needle felted jaguar on a tree limb for each of them.
I thought this was a perfect opportunity to share the process of doing needle felt dolls and sculptures, and so I took some step by step photos to share this at this time. This isn't really a tutorial, as I am not telling you how to use the needles or anything. I am completely self taught so I don't know that I am doing it exactly right anyway, but it works for me. If you would like more detail information, let me know and I will see what I can do.
First I took a clump of 100% Polyester Fiber stuffing (I use Polyfil). One clump for each Jaguar.

Now it is time for some color. I laid down a self blended undercoat of lemon yellow, tangerine orange, and natural brown wool roving. I very lightly attached it to the body here, and made sure the wool flowed in the direction of the hair on a live jaguar. I haven't begun any real structural work, and when I do, the punching will help attach the color further into the core. This is just the beginning stages, and there will be a less striated coat on top, and you can even see some of the stuffing through, but this will just add a life too the coat that wouldn't be there if I just did the top layer.

Here you see now the both sides of the two jaguar bodies when the sculpturing has begun. It isn't near finished, as I will continue polishing the bodies as I add the top coat and the details as well as the limbs. The musculature is developing, and you can see how the two jaguars are developing very distinct looks even though I am looking at one photograph to work from. This will change further still.
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