Saturday, December 1, 2007


I don't claim to know all there is to know about everything in the creative field. However, I do claim to have some amount of grasp (as tiny as it may be or seem) on the way I am creative. Generally, my creativity comes in a small, slow, steady stream that is encouraged forward in similar to the way gravity forces water to run downhill. It just kind of happens all the time and as long as I am open to the ideas and the possibilities, I can dip into it, just as though I were ridding lazily in a canoe on some lazy river and I just lean over and touch the water. Every once in a while, I get into creative fits, and instead of being like a lazy stream it is more like Niagara Falls or Victoria Falls, as evidenced by my recent hiatus. I can’t do anything but create, think, note, draw, paint, sculpt, tinker, etc. These don’t come often, which is a good thing, because I tend to forget to eat, sleep, clean, cook, let the dogs out (which is why they now have a dog door), or anything. I get tunnel vision.
Well, during my latest creative fit (which is what I refer to them as), I stumbled across another blog while I was looking for research on how to tackle a problem I had stumbled across. The person who wrote this blog had a very unique perspective on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which unknowingly I have been trying to live by all my conscious life. I was very impressed by what they had to say, and I decided that just in case anyone was curious about my viewpoint I would post a series of blogs regarding the subject. You can take or leave them as you wish, but I think they are worth reading.

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