I didn't intend to work on this anymore today. If anything I was going to work on the dragon sculpture, but as typically happens to me, I got going and picked these up again. Therefore I apologize for the multiple posts in one day.

Here I am showing the two bodies at different stages. The one on the left has the lemon yellow top coat begun. I will put a second coat that will blend the colors back further, but that will be after I put on the first layer of spots.

Here both bodies have the first yellow coat, and the white on the chest which can be seen from the side.
Here are the bodies at the same stage, just showing the white on the chest from the front. Sorry the picture is a little blurry. The digital camera doesn't alow me to force a focus, and it doesn't seem to know what to focus on as these are so fuzzy with very fine hairs all over the place.
These colors are only lightly tacked down still with a course needle. I will now be putting these aside and creating the limbs and then attaching them. Then I will create the head, and attach it. Then I will put the spots and stripes on and refine the shape with a medium needle. Then a final top coat of yellow blended with brown over everything. Finally with the fine needle I will do the final refining, accentuate the spots bringing the darks to the top, and attach them to their own individual "branches".
I hope you like the progress I have been making. I welcome any comments or questions you may have. Just leave them here or email me.
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