Friday, November 23, 2007


WOW! I love that you have come to my blog. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy your visit. Pull up a comfy seat, relax, and feel more than welcome to join in. I love talking with people about everything, and I know that you have interesting stories and input to share.

First a little bit about me. Let's see, what would YOU like to know? Let me start here, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask away.

I am a foster mother of 3 wonderful sweet little kids (one boy, two girls, currently all under the age of 6 - the oldest (boy) will be 6 in December) and in the process of adopting them all (they are siblings). They are wonderful joys in my life.

Before my husband and I settled into the notion of foster / adopt, I had quit my job as an insurance agent to persue my attempt to become a full time and productive artist. That is what brings me here, and makes you able to read this blog.

I am in the process of creating my website, , but it is not yet completed, and I am working towards a 1/1/2008 release, just to give myself plenty of time to get it right.

This by no means indicates I am not creating art like a mad woman! Quite the contrary. I am preparing for some shows, and looking forward to them! The one that has me focused the most is a show in April, but I am also entering some competitions and looking for others. I have a few galleries up and around on the internet, , is just going to put everything in one place.

Until my site is up, I will post some information, artwork, works in progress, etc. here and communicate with you.

I am just tickled pink you have read my blog. Please let me know you were here, leave me questions, comments, requests, anything you like. I know you will return because I have lots of wonderful things to share!

Have a great day, and see you next time.

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