Friday, November 23, 2007

Looking for Beta Testers

If anyone out there is willing to be a beta tester for my website, I would really appreciate the help, and as a thank you will provide you a $10.00 gift certificate to my gift shop. I need people on all platforms (Mac, PC, Unix, handhelds, etc.) using all types of service providers (PeoplePC, AOL, Verizon, Roadrunner, etc.) using all kinds of browsers (IE, Firefox, Netscape, Safari, etc.) to view my beta run of my website, and let me know issues, strengths, weaknesses, and the details about their system so I can determine how to fix / adapt the site before release. It doesn't matter what you have, the wider the cross section in my survey the better I can provide service to future clients.

Comment here if you are interested in pursuing this possibility with me.

I am so excited about my pending website release... and the announcement that will come with it.

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