Friday, March 20, 2009

New work coming...

I have had a rash of computer issues recently, and what with work not being at all helpful, and having to reload my OS several times in recent weeks, and viruses (beware of Spyware 2009 which seemingly started this whole issue for me) my work got put on the temporary back burner.

I am however working on many things...

I have some jewelry getting ready to post. I have a pattern for an amulet bag I am creating. I have some designs in my head for some stuff, and I ave new tools that I am anxious to test out. I got and pet them everyonce in a while promising that they haven't been forgotten.

I am toying with an idea (have been for quite some time) of a coloring book. I remember coloring books when I was little... Jumbo size... tons of pictures. Not connect the dots, but real honest to God pictures to color and use my imagination on. The size of coloring book that makes "jumbo size" now look puny. I am thinking of bringing back my childhood. I have several drawings done to this end, and I am thinking of offering it on CD so kids can print them out and recolor as often as they want as well as printed versions.

I have lots of ideas... and they are starting to surface...

But it is almost time for lunch, and my stomach is taking over. OI!

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